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St Benedict's Catholic School

St Benedict's
Catholic School

Exams Information

Certificates Evening

Tuesday 17 December 2024: 15:45 - 17:00

Please come and join us for refreshments and collect your certificates from the summer of 2024.

Certificates: Students wishing to collect exam certificates from Summer 2023, or other years, must email the Exams Officer to arrange a time to come into school.  The school is only obliged to hold certificates for 1 year.

Email contact:


St Benedict’s Catholic school is regularly one of the top performing schools in Suffolk. This is shown by our impressive exam results, of which we are immensely proud.

Our results at A Level are also impressive. It is one of the many reasons we would urge you to consider joining us for your A Levels.

These results reflect the hard work and determination of all those in our community: staff, pupils and parents. At St Benedict’s we all work together in a caring and supportive environment that brings out the best in pupils. Excellent teaching, high quality guidance and effective advice are just some of the ingredients that make St Benedict’s the successful school that we are rightly proud of. Please feel free to look at the detailed breakdown given below of this year’s and previous years’ results.


Contacting the Exams Office 

Please contact the Exams Officer by email or leave a voicemail message.

Mrs Caroline Edwards
Examinations Officer
Tel: 01284 753512 (ext 2238)

Working Hours: 10am - 2.15pm (Monday to Friday); and longer during exam times