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St Benedict's Catholic School

St Benedict's
Catholic School


"Pupils’ understanding of how to keep themselves safe in a variety of settings is strong."
Ofsted, 2016

St Benedict’s is a Safeguarding School.

At St Benedict's you have the right to feel safe everywhere.

If you are worried about things that are happening to you or to your friends, talk about it. Remember, you can talk to any member of staff.

Designated Safeguarding Leads

Mrs K Berry (Deputy Designated Lead for Safeguarding & e-Safety)
Mrs K Berry
Designated Lead for Safeguarding & Online Safeguarding Lead
Mrs J Bourne (Deputy Designated Lead for Safeguarding)
Mrs J Bourne
Alternate Designated Lead for Safeguarding & Online Safeguarding Lead

 Safeguarding Leads

Mrs K Bailey
Mrs K Bailey
Alternate Designated Lead for Safeguarding

Useful Contacts

Health: School Nurse drop-in every Tuesday lunchtime, 01284 757713
Self: Childline or 0800 1111
e-Safety: CEOP

If you are concerned about an immediate risk to the safety of a child please call Customer First on 0808 800 4005.

The school has a safeguarding policy.