Read for Good

St Benedict’s is taking part in the Read for Good Readathon. It started on 25th February and continues to 1st April 2020.
All year 7, 8, 9 and 10s received a sponsorship card and bookmark. A letter was sent home to parent/carers. Please encourage students to take part.
Read for Good is a fantastic project. By taking part in a sponsored Readathon, the money raised go towards the purchase of books and providing storytellers in the Children’s Hospitals nearest to the school taking part. The school will get Scholastic Vouchers worth 20% of every-thing raised and a star pupil will get a £10 National Book Token. So it is a win, win, win scheme. All the sponsor-ship cards or forms together with any cheques need to be returned on 1st April 2020, so they can be sent to the charity. WE CANNOT ACCEPT CASH unfortunately, but you can pay direct online (the best way), or by cheque payable to Read for Good with the sponsor’s name and address on the back.
If you need another form please see Ms Moore in the LRC/Library.
For more information go to