Governors Committees
Hearings Committee
Terms of reference:
- To make any determination to dismiss any member of staff (unless delegated to the headteacher)
- To make any decisions under the Governing Body’s personnel procedures e.g. disciplinary, grievance, capability where the Headteacher is the subject of the action*
- To make any decisions relating to any member of staff other than the Headteacher, under the Governing Body’s personnel procedures (unless delegated to the Headteacher)
- To make any determination or decision under the Governing Body’s General Complaints Procedure for Parents and others
- To make any determination or decision under the Governing Body’s Curriculum Complaints Procedure, in respect of National Curriculum disapplications, and the operation of the Governing Body’s charging policy:
- Additional items which individual Governing Bodies may wish to include
*cannot be delegated to an individual.
Committee members
Any Governor at the discretion of the Chair or Vice-Chair, except Chair or member of staff or a Governor with a personal connection.
Membership: Not less than 3 members of the Governing Body.
(NB. The number appointed to this committee directly affects the number required for an Appeal Committee i.e. there must be an equal number of governors on both committees and governors can only sit on hearings or appeals)
Disqualification: The Headteacher. Any members of the Appeals Committee.
(It is suggested that only experienced governors be appointed to this committee and that the Chairman of Governors, due to probable prior knowledge, should not be a member).
Chair of the Committee: | To be elected by those present |
Clerk to the Committee: | Miss S Buchan |
Quorum: | 3 |
Appeals Committee
Terms of reference:
- To consider any appeal against a decision to dismiss a member of staff made by the Hearings Committee*
- To consider any appeal against a decision short of dismissal under the Governing Body’s personnel procedures e.g. disciplinary, grievance, capability*
- To consider any appeal against selection for redundancy*
- Any items which individual governing bodies may wish to include
*cannot be delegated to an individual.
Committee members:
Any Governor at the discretion of the Chair or Vice-Chair, including Chair or Vice-Chair except member of staff or Governor with a personal connection.
Membership: No fewer members than the Hearings Committee.
Disqualification: The Headteacher. Any members of the Hearings Committee.
Chair of the Committee: | To be elected by those present. |
Clerk to the Committee: | Miss S Buchan |
Quorum: | 3 |
Pupil Discipline Committee
Terms of reference:
- To consider representations from parents in the case of exclusions of 5 days or less (Committee may not re-instate)
- To consider representations from parents in the case of exclusions totalling more than 5 but not more than 15 school days in one term (meeting to be held within 50 school days after receiving notice of the exclusion)
- To consider the reinstatement of an excluded pupil within 15 school days of receiving notice of exclusion if:
- The exclusion is permanent;
- It is a fixed period exclusion which would bring the pupil’s total number of school days of exclusion to more than 15 in a term; or
- It would result in a pupil missing a public examination or national curriculum test
- To ensure that the guidance contained in the ’Exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England’ document is practised in the school, with specific reference to the role assigned to the Governing Body.
- To review the School Behaviour and Discipline Policy, and make recommendations on changes to the Governing Body or relevant committee
- Any items which individual governing bodies may wish to include.
Committee members:
Any Governor at the discretion of the Chair or Vice-Chair, except Chair or member of staff or a Governor with a personal connection.
Membership: minimum of 3.
NB. The Governing Body may nominate a pool of governors from which three will serve as the Discipline Committee to consider particular exclusions. If a Governor has a connection with the pupil or the incident that could affect their ability to act impartially they should not serve at the hearing. If, through non-attendance of a Governor, four members consider an exclusion, the Chair has the casting vote.
Disqualification: The Headteacher*. Any Governor with prior knowledge of the pupil or the incident.
NB. (It is suggested that neither the Chairman of Governors nor a member of staff, due to probable prior knowledge, should be a member).
Chair of the Committee: | To be elected by those present. |
Clerk to the Committee: | Miss S Buchan |
Quorum: | 3 |