Who can I talk to?
Who can I talk to?
Our Director of Inclusive Education, Mr Adam Scarfe, is our Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENDco).
Mr Adam Scarfe |
Mrs Reeman is our Deputy Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (Dep SENDco).
Mrs K Reeman Email: KReeman@st-benedicts.suffolk.sch.uk Telephone: 01284 753512 |
What should a Parent / Carer do if they think their child may have special educational needs?
Talk to us. In the first instance contact your child’s form tutor. The tutor may make the decision to involve the Director of Inclusive Education for further advice or information. If required, you may contact the SENDco directly yourself by making an appointment through the school Reception office.
Who will explain my child’s needs and progress to me?
The form tutor and subject teachers will provide information based on summative assessments and attitude to learning marks throughout the school year.
The Director of Inclusive Education or Deputy SENDco will communicate with or meet parents when necessary to discuss issues relating specifically to the student’s special educational needs or disability.